Ed’s net worth as of 2023 is 3.1 billion AUD.
Together with his American associate Bijan Tehrani, Craven has masterminded the development of an online casino that pioneered cryptocurrency-based betting, Stake.com, into a financial powerhouse. With more than six million registered accounts and a committed player base of 600,000, the site has experienced phenomenal growth. Notably, it is well-established in nations like Brazil and Japan, where it is not illegal to combine Bitcoin with gambling.
Stake.com’s financial success is supported by strategic alliances and endorsements in addition to its creative business model. By utilizing the celebrity status of prominent individuals such as rapper Drake and their connections to the Alfa Romeo Formula 1 team, the platform has successfully portrayed a trustworthy and dependable image. In addition to strengthening Stake.com’s reputation, these endorsement agreements have helped the company’s total income soar, which increased from $1.8 billion in 2021 to an astounding $4 billion the following year.
Craven’s record-breaking real estate transaction in 2022—the $88 million purchase of a Toorak mansion—further demonstrates his astute financial management. In addition to representing a calculated use of resources, this action establishes Craven as a prominent figure in the competitive real estate industry.

The financial endeavors of Craven and the success of Stake.com highlight how the finance industry is changing and how creative platforms are leveraging new technologies and partnerships to grow at a never-before-seen rate. Stake.com is a veritable money engine in the current financial landscape, having propelled itself to the forefront of the online gambling sector through the convergence of cryptocurrency, celebrity endorsements, and smart investments, which form a dynamic ecosystem.